Don't get all negative on me now. Let me explain first.

BTS is how I got into KPOP in the first place. Back in 2017 November, when my Medical School final exams were taking place, I stumbled on a Korean Boy Band performing on the AMAs on VH1. Listening to DNA and Blood, Sweat and Tears was life-changing, to say the least. People around me didn't understand the effect BTS had on me. What they saw was that I was once again overhyped by something, as is my personality. But what was different this time was that the effect did not wane off like it would always do when I got hyper about something.
It has been 3 years and the Kpop magic hasn't faded off. But the BTS influence on me waned off back in the mid of 2018.
So what happened?

As I got deeper into Kpop, I discovered that there is a whole Universe of Music and Variety in the South Korean Entertainment Industry.
A Whole New Planet of Boy Bands and Girl Bands and Solo singers and Actors and COMEDIANs. So much potential and Awesomeness all together.
As I dived into all of that, my attention went into Korea as a whole. And everyone talked about BTS, they are very proud of how BTS has brought their country popularity and Pride on a global stage. So what was missing?
Well, BTS was missing.
I never saw them on any Variety shows, any public functions, their Fan Sign events became fewer.
Somehow the Most Famous Boy Band of Korea was missing from their own country.
And when I looked toward Western Music, all I heard and saw was some talk about BTS. How the boy band was making it big in the Western Music Market and making their presence felt more and more. And somehow I got detached and disenchanted from BTS.
Someone who coaxed everyone around them to listen to BTS all the time hasn't even heard Boy with Love more than once.
I'm happy that they are getting big in the Foreign Music Industry but they too have to maintain their hold in South Korea.
I hope they come on some Variety Show soon.
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