Kabir Singh, what the the hell man? Maybe I should be asking that rhetorically because watching that movie was certain Hell. I would have left in between if I wouldn't have been watching it with some of my favorite people who seemed to kinda like it. (BARF*) I am reconsidering friendship with them at this point by the way. So, first, let me tell you things that I did like in the movie, . . . . . Oh Wait ! THERE's NOTHING ! Why, Shahid, Why, did you have to act in that movie?! WHY? That movie just f***ing pisses me off. And being someone in the Medical Field, it just pisses me off even more. Let me make it clear, I like Shahid Kapoor a lot, he did justice to the character that was given to him. What I don't like is the Character Itself. That movie is not a 2019 kind of a movie. I don't care how many people went to watch it, that movie is just a long ass ride to TOXIC TOWN . And it is dangerous and damaging. For all those poor impressionable Post ...